Does the state of Wisconsin recognize by proxy marriage as being legal? > 자유게시판

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Does the state of Wisconsin recognize by proxy marriage as being legal…

페이지 정보

작성자 Leta
댓글 0건 조회 11회 작성일 25-03-12 23:34


The most important thing to know about an Armed Forces Proxy Marriage is that it is completely legal, official and no different than a non-proxy marriage. Under the laws of the state of Montana, a proxy marriage is legally identical to a non-proxy marriage.

Montana makes no distinction between proxy marriages and buy seo proxies non-proxy marriages. A proxy marriage is NOT a fake marriage, a temporary marriage or in any way inferior to a non-proxy marriage. Instead it is a legally recognized marriage, which under the laws of the United States, must be recognized by the rest of the country.

Armed Forces Proxy Marriages provides double proxy marriages. The Montana law requires that one of the parties be a "member of the Armed forces on federal, active duty".


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